Van der Meer Consulting B.V.


Consultancy areas - Breakwaters and coastal structures

Van der Meer breakwaters and coastal structures 1 Van der Meer breakwaters and coastal structures 2
Van der Meer breakwaters and coastal structures 3 Van der Meer breakwaters and coastal structures 4

Extensive national and international experience is available in the field of breakwaters, coastal structures, caissons, hydro power dams, seawalls, low-crested structures, groynes and similar structures. Specialized advice can be given on stability of these types of structures or on functional design like wave transmission, wave overtopping or wave reflection. Free downloads are available of papers published. The advice can be given as:
  • design of coastal structures and breakwaters (often in cooperation),
  • assessment of failures,
  • technical support or peer review during the design and construction stage,
  • as expert opinion in dispute resolution.
New port at Kuantan, Malaysia

Conceptual design of the almost 3 km long breakwaters including five design options: rock armour, berm breakwater, double layer of concrete units, single layer of concrete units and caissons. By Value Engineering the most feasible and economical option was chosen. Review of physical model testing at HR Wallingford. Detailed design and tender documents. All work was performed in cooperation with Ranhill Malaysia. The breakwater is under construction.

Oakajee Breakwater, West Coast Australia

Peer review of the design wave climate and the design of the breakwater. Advisor to the Client for all model testing performed at HR Wallingford, UK. Peer review of model testing and design reports.

New Maasvlakte II
  • Member of Design Board.
  • Member of the Advisory Committee on scale model research for the new extension for the Port of Rotterdam.
Van der Meer New Maasvlakte

Breakwater Açu Port and Terminal Sul Estaleiro, Brazil
  • Member Advisory Construction Board for TX 2, the Terminal Sul Estaleiro
  • Consultant for the Client, Anglo American and later for LLX
  • Design of an alternative berm breakwater with a core of geocontainers of sand
  • Advisor to the Clients for all model testing on berm breakwaters, corelocs and caissons
  • Advisor to the Client on wave climate and down time studies
Van der Meer Acu Port

Hayovel Port Development, Israel

Technical support to the contractor during construction of the breakwater and expert witness in claim against Port Authority.

Van der Meer Hayovel

Stability WAC Bennet Dam, Canada

Assessment of rock stability of lake side slope during storms. The dam is more than 200 m high and a breach caused by wave attack should be avoided at all times.

Van der Meer WAC