4.a. Wave overtopping and wave run-up
2023 | Van der Meer, J.W., John Kiong, Eunice Chin, Yao Ming Yong, M. Klabbers, Junsheng Jiang, Hongjuan Han and R. Bing.Wave overtopping mitigation by a vertical wall or a wave return wall at the end of a pitched rock slope. Proc. ICE 2023, Portsmouth (1.5 MB) PowerPoint presentation (2.5 MB) |
2023 | Lashley, C.H., J.M. Brown, M.J. Yelland, J. W. van der Meer and T. Pullen. Comparison of deep-water-parameter-based wave overtopping with wirewall field measurements and social media reports at Crosby (UK).Coastal Engineering 179 (2023) 104241. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.coastaleng.2022.104241. (2.4 MB) |
2022 | Van der Meer, J.W., G.J. Steendam, T. Bruce and M. Klein Breteler. Admissible post-wave overtopping flow for persons on a horizontal surface. JCHS, Vol. 2, 2022,14. DOI: https://doi.org/10.48438/jchs.2022.0015. (1.8 MB) |
2022 | Briganti, R., R.E. Musumi, J.W. van der Meer, A. Romano, L.M Stancanelli, M. Kudella, R. Akbar, R. Mukhdiar, C. Altormare, T. Suzuki, P. De Girolamo, G. Vesio, N. Dodd, F. Zhu and S. Schimmels. Wave overtopping at near-vertical seawalls: Influence of foreshore evolution during storms. Ocean Engineering 261 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2022.112024. (4.0 MB) |
2022 | Eldrup, M.R., T. Lykke Andersen, K. Van Doorslaer and J.W. van der Meer. Improved guidance on roughness and crest width in overtopping of rubble mound structures along EurOtop. Coastal Engineering 176 (2022) 104152. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.coastaleng.2022.104152. (11.3 MB) |
2022 | Lykke Andersen, T., M.R. Eldrup and J.W. van der Meer. Average overtopping discharge prediction for berm breakwaters. ASCE, Proc. ICCE 2022, Sydney. (1.6 MB) |
2022 | Eldrup, M.R., T. Lykke Andersen and J.W. van der Meer. The influence of a crown wall on wave overtopping over breakwaters. ASCE, Proc. ICCE 2022, Sydney. (1.7 MB) |
2022 | Van der Spek, B-J., E. Bijl, J.W. van der Meer, M. Streicher, P. Troch and P-Y Guillermin. Wave overtopping characteristics for a double vertical wall and the effect of parapets. ASCE, Proc, ICCE 2022, Sydney. (1.3 MB) |
2021 | Lashley. C.H., J.W. van der Meer, J.D. Bricker, C. Altomare, T. Suzuki and K. Hirayama. Formulating wave overtopping at vertical and sloping structures with shalllow foreshores using deep-water wave characteristics. J. Waterway, Port, Coastal, Ocean Eng., 2021, 147(6): 04021036. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)WW.1943-5460.0000675. (7.4 MB) |
2020 | Oosterlo, P., B. Hofland, J.W. van der Meer, M. Overduin and G.J. Steendam. Field measurements of very oblique wave run-up and overtopping with laser scanners. ASCE, Proc. vICCE 2020. (216 kB) |
2019 | Van der Meer, J.W., J.W. Nieuwenhuis, G.J. Steendam, M.J.J. Reneerkens, H.J. Steetzel and G.Ph. van Vledder. Wave overtopping measurements at a real dike. Proc. ASCE, Coastal Structures 2019, Hannover. (1.0 MB) |
2019 | Vieira Leite, J.P., J.W. van der Meer, L. Franco, A. Romani, Y. Pepi, T. Bruce, L. Vieira Pinheiro and M. Menendez. Distribution of overtopping wave volumes caused by crossing seas. Proc. ASCE, Coastal Structures 2019, Hannover. (1.2 MB) |
2019 | Oosterlo, P., B. Hofland, J.W. van der Meer, M.J. Overduin, G.J. Steendam, J.W. Nieuwenhuis, G.Ph. van Vledder, H. Steetze7, M. Reneerkens. Measuring (oblique) wave run-up and overtopping with laser scanners. Proc. ASCE, Coastal Structures 2019, Hannover. (862 kB) |
2019 | Schoemaker, M., R. Zijlstra, J.W. van der Meer and K. VanDoorslaer. The influence of a berm and a wave wall at dikes on overtopping by oblique and breaking waves. Proc. ASCE, Coastal Structures 2019, Hannover. (554 kB) |
2018 | Briganti,R., R.E. Musumeci, J.W. van der Meer, A. Romano, L. M. Stancanelli, M. Kudella, R. Akbar, R. Mukhdiar, C. Altomare, T. Suzuki0, P. De Girolamo, G. Mancini, G. Besio, N. Dodd and S. Schimmels. Large scale tests on foreshore evolution during storm sequences and the performance of a nearly vertical structure. Proc. ASCE, ICCE2018, Baltimore. (5.3 MB) |
2017 | Formentin, S.M., B. Zanuttigh and J.W. van der Meer. A neural network tool for predicting wave reflection, overtopping and transmission. Coastal Engineering Journal, Vol. 59, No. 1 (2017) 1750006. DOI: 10.1142/S0578563417500061. (3.5 MB) |
2017 | Formentin, S.M., B. Zanuttigh and J.W. van der Meer. The new EurOtop Neural Network tool for an improved prediction of wave overtopping. Proc. ICE Coasts, Marine Structures and Breakwaters, Liverpool, UK. (4.1 MB) |
2016 | Van der Meer, J.W., N.W.H. Allsop, T. Bruce, J. De Rouck, T. Pullen, H. Schüttrumpf, P. Troch and B. Zanuttigh. Update of the EurOtop Manual: new insights on wave overtopping. ASCE, Proc. ICCE, Antalya, Turkey. (371 kB); PowerPoint presentation (2.5 MB) |
2016 | Van Doorslaer, K., J. De Rouck and J.W. van der Meer. The reduction of wave overtopping by means of a storm wall. ASCE, Proc. ICCE, Antalya, Turkey. (1867 kB) |
2016 | Zannutigh, B., S. Formentin and J.W. van der Meer. Update of the Eurotop Neural Network tool: improved prediction of wave overtopping. ASCE, Proc. ICCE, Antalya, Turkey. (1869 kB) |
2015 | Zanuttigh, B, S.M. Formentin and J.W. van der Meer. An advanced and improved artificial neural network for the prediction of wave overtopping. ASCE, Proc. Coastal Structures, Boston. (780 kB) |
2014 | Van der Meer, J.W. and T. Bruce. New physical insights and design formulas on wave overtopping at sloping and vertical structures. ASCE Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal & Ocean Engineering, ASCE, ISSN 0733-950X/04014025(18). Free formatted paper. (940 kB) |
2014 | Zanuttigh, B, S.M. Formentin and J.W. van der Meer. Advances in modelling wave-structure interaction through artificial neural networks. ASCE, Proc. ICCE 2014, Seoul, South Korea. (1.8 MB) |
2014 | Troch, P., J. Mollaert, S. Peelman, L. Victor, J.W. van der Meer, D. Gallach-Sánchez and A. Kortenhaus. Experimental study of overtopping performance for the cases of very steep slopes and vertical walls with very small freeboards. ASCE, Proc. ICCE 2014, Seoul, South Korea. (302 kB) |
2014 | Bornschein, A, R. Pohl, V. Wolf, H. Schüttrumpf, B. Scheres, P. Troch, J. Riha, J.W. van der Meer. Wave run-up and wave overtopping under very oblique wave attack (CornerDike-project). Proc. of the HYDRALAB IV Joint User Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal. (3.9 MB) |
2014 | Formentin, S.M., B. Zanuttigh, J.W. van der Meer and J. Lopez Lara. Overtopping flow characteristics at emerged and over-washed dikes. ASCE, Proc. ICCE 2014, Seoul, South Korea. (2.7 MB) |
2013 | Van der Meer, J.W., T. Bruce, N.W.H. Allsop, L. Franco, A. Kortenhaus, T. Pullen and H. Schuttrumpf. EurOtop revisited. Part 1: Sloping structures. Proc. ICE, Coasts, Marine Structures and Breakwaters 2013, Edinburgh, UK. (260 kB); PowerPoint presentation (6.6 MB) |
2013 | Bruce, T., J.W. van der Meer, N.W.H. Allsop, L. Franco, A. Kortenhaus, T. Pullen and H. Schuttrumpf. EurOtop revisited. Part 2: Vertical structures. Proc. ICE, Coasts, Marine Structures and Breakwaters 2013, Edinburgh, UK. (247 kB) |
2013 | Zanuttigh, B., J.W. van der Meer, T. Bruce and S. Hughes. Statistical characterisation of extreme overtopping wave volumes. Proc. ICE, Coasts, Marine Structures and Breakwaters 2013, Edinburgh, UK. (609 kB) |
2012 | Victor, L., J.W. van der Meer and P. Troch. Probability distribution of individual wave overtopping volumes for smooth impermeable steep slopes with low crest freeboards. J. of Coastal Engineering, 64 (2012) 87-101. (4.4 MB) |
2010 | Lorke, S., A. Brüning, J.W. van der Meer, H. Schüttrumpf, A. Bornschein, S. Gilli, R. Pohl, M. Spano, J. Riha, S. Werk and F. Schlütter. On the effect of current on wave run-up and wave overtopping. ASCE, Proc. ICCE 2010, Shanghai. (359 kB) |
2010 | Van der Meer, J.W., T. Pullen, N.W.H. Allsop, T. Bruce, H. Schüttrumpf and A. Kortenhaus. Prediction of overtopping. Chapter 14 in Handbook of Coastal and Ocean Engineering; Ed. Young C. Kim. World Scientific, pp. 341-382. (7.5 MB) |
2010 | Van der Meer, J.W. Influence of wind and current on wave run-up and wave overtopping. Detailed analysis on the influence of current on wave overtopping. HYDRALAB FLOWDIKe report. (1.8 MB) |
2010 | Schlüttrumpf, H., J.W. van der Meer, A. Kortenhaus, T. Bruce and L. Franco. Wave run-up and wave overtopping at armored rubble slopes and mounds. Chapter 15 in Handbook of Coastal and Ocean Engineering; Ed. Young C. Kim. World Scientific, pp. 383-409. (2.5 MB) |
2010 | Bruce, T., J.W. van der Meer, T. Pullen and N.W.H. Allsop. Wave overtopping at vertical and steep structures. Chapter 16 in Handbook of Coastal and Ocean Engineering; Ed. Young C. Kim. World Scientific, pp. 411-439. (2.3 MB) |
2009 | Verhaeghe, H., J. de Rouck and J.W. van der Meer. CoMBined classifier-quantifier model: A 2-phases neural model for prediction of wave overtopping at coastal structures. Journal of Coastal Engineering 55 (2008) 357-374. (2.5 MB) |
2009 | Bruce, T., J.W. van der Meer, L. Franco and J.M. Pearson. Overtopping performance of different armour units for rubble mound breakwaters. Journal of Coastal Engineering 56 (2009) 166-179. (1.5 MB) |
2009 | Brüning, A., S. Gilli, S. Lorke, R. Pohl, F. Schlütter, M. Spano, J.W. van der Meer, S. Werk and H. Schüttrumpf. Flowdike; Investigating the effect of wind and current on wave run-up and wave overtopping. Proc. 4th SCACR, Barcelona, Spain. (319 kB) |
2008 | Verhaeghe, H., J. de Rouck and J.W. van der Meer. CoMBined classifier-quantifier model: A 2-phases neural model for prediction of wave overtopping at coastal structures. Journal of Coastal Engineering 55 (2008) 357-374. (2.4 MB) |
2008 | Allsop, N.W.H., T. Pullen, J.W. van der Meer, H. Schuttrumpf and A. Kortenhaus. Improvements in wave overtopping analysis: the EurOtop overtopping manual and calculation tool. Proc. COPEDEC VII, Dubai, UAE. (372 kB) |
2008 | Pullen, T., N.W.H. Allsop, T. Bruce, A. Kortenhaus, H. Schuttrumpf and J.W. van der Meer. EurOtop - overtopping and methods for assessing discharge. Proc. FloodRisk, Oxford, UK. Flood Risk Management: Research and Practice - Samuels et al. (eds.) ISBN 978-0-415-48507-4; pp 555-560. (60 kB) |
2008 | Bruce, T. and J.W. van der Meer. Integrated prediction tools for wave overtopping at vertical structures. ASCE, Proc. ICCE 2008, HaMBurg. pp. 3110-3119 (104 kB) |
2008 | Bosman, G., J.W. van der Meer, G. Hoffmans, H. Schuttrumpf and H.J. Verhagen. Individual overtopping events at dikes. ASCE, Proc. ICCE 2008, HaMBurg. pp. 2944-2956 (188 kB) |
2006 | Bruce, T., J.W. van der Meer, L. Franco and J. Pearson. A comparison of overtopping performance of different rubble mound breakwater armour. ASCE, ICCE 2006, San Diego. (1.3 MB); PowerPoint presentation |
2005 | Regeling, H.J., J.W. van der Meer, R. 't Hart and T. Bruce. Overtopping on rock berm with smooth upper slope. Proc. Second International Coastal Symposium, Höfn, Iceland. (374 kB); PowerPoint presentation (1.9 MB) |
2005 | Van der Meer, M.R.A. van Gent, B. Pozueta, H. Verhaeghe, G.-J. Steendam, J.R. Medina. Applications of a neural network to predict wave overtopping at coastal structures. ICE, Coastlines, Structures and Breakwaters, London, pp. 259 - 268. (562 kB); PowerPoint presentation (552 kB) |
2004 | G.J. Steendam, J.W. van der Meer, H. Verhaeghe, P. Besley; L. Franco; M.R.A. van Gent. The international database on wave overtopping. ASCE, ICCE 2004, Lisbon, pp. 4301 - 4313. (760 kB); PowerPoint presentation (814 kB) |
2004 | Pearson, J., T. Bruce, N.W.H. Allsop, A. Kortenhaus and J.W. van der Meer. Effectiveness of recurve wave walls in reducing wave overtopping on seawalls and breakwaters. ASCE, ICCE 2004, Lisbon, pp. 4404 - 4416. (476 kB) |
2003 | Verhaeghe, H., J.W. van der Meer, G.-J. Steendam, P. Besley, L. Franco and M.R.A. van Gent. Wave overtopping database as the starting point for a neural network prediction method. ASCE, Proc. Coastal Structures 2003, Portland, Oregon, pp. 418 - 430. (570 kB); PowerPoint presentation (676 kB) |
2000 | Mendez Lorenzo, A.B., Van der Meer, J.W. and Hawkes, P.J. Effects of bi-modal waves on overtopping: application of UK and Dutch prediction methods. ASCE, proc. 27th ICCE, Sydney, Australia. (1.2 MB); PowerPoint presentation (2.8 MB) |
1998 | Van der Meer, J.W. Wave run-up and overtopping. Chapter 8 in: "Seawalls, dikes and revetments". Edited by K.W. Pilarczyk. Balkema, Rotterdam. (454 kB) |
1994 | Franco, L., de Gerloni, M. and van der Meer, J.W. Wave overtopping on vertical and composite breakwaters. ASCE, proc. 24th ICCE, Kobe, Japan, pp. 1030-1045. (1.4 MB) |
1994 | Van der Meer, J.W. and Janssen, J.P.F.M. Wave run-up and wave overtopping at dikes. ASCE. In: Wave forces on inclined and vertical wall structures, ed. N. Kobayashi and Z. Demirbilek, pp. 1-27. Also Delft Hydraulics Publication nuMBer 485. (1.1 MB) |
1992 | Van der Meer, J.W. and Stam, C.J.M. Wave runup on smooth and rock slopes. ASCE, Journal of WPC and OE, Vol. 188, No. 5, pp. 534-550, New York. Also Delft Hydraulics Publication No. 454. (637 kB) |
1992 | De Waal, J.P. and van der Meer, J.W. Wave run-up and overtopping on coastal structures. ASCE, proc. 23rd ICCE, Venice, Italy, pp. 1758-1771. (641 kB) |
4.b. Wave transmission
2017 | Formentin, S.M., B. Zanuttigh and J.W. van der Meer. A neural network tool for predicting wave reflection, overtopping and transmission. Coastal Engineering Journal, Vol. 59, No. 1 (2017) 1750006. DOI: 10.1142/S0578563417500061. (3.5 MB) |
2006 | Van Oosten, R., J. Peixo Marco, J.W. van der Meer and H.J. Verhagen. Wave transmission at low-crested structures using neural networks. ASCE, ICCE 2006, San Diego. (846 kB) |
2005 | Kramer, M., B. Zanuttigh, J.W. van der Meer, C. Vidal and F.X. Gironella. Laboratory experiments on low-crested breakwaters. Journal of Coastal Engineering 52 (2005) 876-886. (1.5 MB) |
2005 | Van der Meer, J.W., R. Briganti, B. Zanuttigh and B. Wang. Wave transmission and reflection at low-crested structures: Design formulae, oblique wave attack and spectral change. Special Issue of Journal of Coastal Engineering, Elsevier, 52 (2005) 915 - 929. (737 kB) |
2004 | Van der Meer, J.W., R. Briganti, B. Wang and B. Zanuttigh. Wave transmission at low-crested structures, including oblique wave attack. ASCE, ICCE 2004, Lisbon pp. 4152 - 4164. (279 kB); PowerPoint presentation (6.2 MB) |
2003 | Van der Meer, J.W., B. Wang, A. Wolters, B. Zanuttigh and M. Kramer. Oblique wave transmission over low-crested structures. ASCE, Proc. Coastal Structures 2003, Portland, Oregon, pp. 567 - 579. (240 kB); PowerPoint presentation (6.4 MB) |
2003 | Briganti, R., J.W. van der Meer, M. Buccini and M. Calabrese. Wave transmission behind low-crested structures. ASCE, Proc. Coastal Structures 2003, Portland, Oregon, pp. 580 - 592. (382 kB) |
2000 | Van der Meer, J.W., Regeling, H.J. and De Waal, J.P. Wave transmission: spectral changes and its effects on run-up and overtopping. ASCE, proc. 27th ICCE, Sydney, Australia. (1.2 MB); PowerPoint presentation (2.2 MB) |
1996 | d'Angremond, K., van der Meer, J.W. and de Jong, R.J. Wave transmission at low-crested structures. ASCE, proc. 25th ICCE, Orlando, USA. pp. 2418-2427. (291 kB) |
1994 | Van der Meer, J.W. and I.F.R. Daemen. Stability and wave transmission at low-crested rubble mound structures. ASCE, Journal of WPC and OE, Vol. 120, No. 1, pp 1-18. (864 kB) |
4.c. Wave reflection
2017 | Formentin, S.M., B. Zanuttigh and J.W. van der Meer. A neural network tool for predicting wave reflection, overtopping and transmission. Coastal Engineering Journal, Vol. 59, No. 1 (2017) 1750006. DOI: 10.1142/S0578563417500061. (3.5 MB) |
2008 | Zanuttigh, B and J.W. van der Meer. Wave reflection from coastal structures in design conditions. Journal of Coastal Engineering, Elsevier. 55 (2008) 771-779 (708 kB) |
2008 | Zanuttigh, B. and J.W. van der Meer. Analysis of wave reflection from structures with berms through an extensive database and 2DV numerical modelling. ASCE, Proc. ICCE 2008, HaMBurg. pp. 3285-3297 (1.4 MB) |
2007 | Zanuttigh, B. and J.W. van der Meer. Wave reflection for composite slopes and oblique waves. Coastal Structures, Venice, Italy. (248 kB) |
2006 | Wang, B., Van der Meer, J.W., Otta, A., Chadwick, A., and Horrillo-Caraballo, J. Reflection of obliquely incident waves at low-crested structures. Coastal Dynamics 2005: pp. 1-12. (209 kB) |
2006 | Zanuttigh, B. and J.W. van der Meer. Wave reflection from coastal structures. ASCE, ICCE 2006, San Diego. (445 kB) |
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