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3. Stability of coastal structures

3.a. Dikes, levees and embankments and the Wave Overtopping Simulator

2024 Van der Meer, J.W, B. Hardeman, J. Valk, S. Versteeg, M. Huis in’t Veld, W. Halter, A. van Hoven and R. Mom. Improving transitions at grass covered dike slopes using the Wave Overtopping Simulator. ASCE, Proc. ICCE 2024, Rome. (5.2 MB); PowerPoint presentation
2024 Mom R., G.J. Steendam, R. van der Meijden, J. Warmink, A. van Hoven, J.W. van der Meer. Grass sod pulling tests to determine the erosion resistance against wave overtopping of various types of grass covers: an adjusted analysis method. ASCE, Proc. ICCE 2024, Rome. (765 kB); PowerPoint presentation
2022 Lashley, C.H., S.N. Jonkman, J.W. van der Meer, J.D. Bricker and V. Vuik. The influence of infragravity waves on the safety of coastal defences: a case study of the Dutch Wadden Sea. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 22, 1–22, 2022. (1828 kB)
2020 Van der Meer, J.W., G.J. Steendam, C.A. Mosca, L. Bolatti Guzzo, K. Takata, Ng Say Cheong, Chua Kok Eng, Lionel Ang, Goh Pei Ling, & Chua Wee Siang, Chia Way Seng, M. Karthikeyan, Francis Yap and V. Govindasamy. Wave overtopping tests to determine tropical grass species and topsoils for polder dikes in a tropical country. ASCE, Proc. vICCE 2020. (2539 kB)
2018 Van der Meer, J.W., A. van Hoven, G.J. Steendam and G. Hoffmans. Hydraulic simulators on real dikes and levees. 3rd Int. Conf. on Protection against Overtopping, June 2018, UK. (934 kB)
2018 Steendam, G.J., J.W. van der Meer, P. van Steeg and R. Joosten. Wave impacts at small and real scale for the stepped sloped seawall design at Den Oever. ASCE, Proc. ICCE 2018, Baltimore, USA (1.6 MB)
2018 Oosterlo, P., R.T. McCall, V. Vuik, B. Hofland, J.W. van der Meer and S.N. Jonkman. Probabilistic Assessment of Overtopping of Sea Dikes with Foreshores including Infragravity Waves and Morphological Changes: Westkapelle Case Study. J. Mar. Sci.. Eng. 2018, 6, 48; doi:10.3390/jmse6020048 (1.1 MB)
2018 Hoffmans, G., A. van Hoven, G.J. Steendam and J.W. van der Meer. Summary of research work about erodibility of grass revetments on dikes. rd Int. Conf. on Protection against Overtopping, June 2018, UK (2.6 MB); PowerPoint presentation
2017 Van der Meer, J.W.. Simulators as Hydraulic Test Facilities at Dikes and other Coastal Structures. Chapter 1 in Series of Coastal and Ocean Engineering Practice, Vol.2. Design of Coastal Structures and Sea Defences. Ed. Y.C. Kim. (1.2 MB)
2016 Bijlard, R., G.J. Steendam, H.J. Verhagen and J.W. van der Meer. Determining the critical velocity of grass sods for wave overtopping by a grass pulling device. ASCE, Proc. ICCE 2016, Antalya. Turkey. (1416 kB)
2016 Steendam, G.J., A. van Hoven and J.W. van der Meer. Wave run-up simulation on real dikes. ASCE, Proc. ICCE 2016, Antalya, Turkey. (894 kB)
2015 Van der Meer, J.W., G.J. Steendam and A. van Hoven. Validation of cumulative overload method based on tests by the new wave run-up simulator. ASCE, Proc. Coastal Structures, Boston. (640 kB); PowerPoint presentation
2014 Steendam, G.J., A. van Hoven, J.W. van der Meer and G. Hoffmans. Wave Overtopping Simulator tests on transitions and obstacles at grass covered slopes of dikes. ASCE, proc. ICCE 2014, Seoul, South Korea. (1.0 MB)
2014 Le H.T., J.W. van der Meer and H.J. Verhagen. Wave overtopping simulator tests on Vietnamese seadikes. Coastal Engineering Journal, Vol. 56, No. 3 (2014) 1450017. (4.1 MB)
2013 Hughes, S., C. Thornton, B. Scholl, N. Youngblood, J. Beasley, R. Tucker and J.W. van der Meer. Wave overtopping resiliency of grass and turf reinforcement mats on sandy soils. Proc. ICE, Coasts, Marine Structures and Breakwaters 2013, Edinburgh, UK. (508 kB)
2013 Steendam, G.J., J.W. van der Meer, P. van Steeg and G. van der Meer. Hydraulic test facilities at dikes in situ. Proc. ICE, Coasts, Marine Structures and Breakwaters 2013, Edinburgh, UK. (1326 kB); PowerPoint presentation
2012 Van der Meer, J.W., Y. Provoost and G.J. Steendam. The wave run-up simulator, theory and first pilot test. ASCE, Proc. ICCE 2012, Santander, Spain. (1.2 MB); PowerPoint presentation
2012 Hughes, S, C. Thornton, J.W. van der Meer and B. Scholl. Improvements in describing wave overtopping processes. ASCE, Proc. ICCE 2012, Santander, Spain. (413 kB)
2012 Steendam, G.J., Y. Provoost and J.W. van der Meer. Destructive wave overtopping and wave run-up tests on grass covered slopes of real dikes. ASCE, Proc. ICCE 2012, Santander, Spain. (1.9 MB); PowerPoint presentation (7.57 MB)
2012 Le H.T., J.W. van der Meer and H.J. Verhagen. Wave overtopping simulator tests on sea. sikes in Viet Nam. ASCE, Proc. ICCE 2012, Santander, Spain. (2.4 MB)
2012 Gier, F., H. Schüttrumpf , J. Mönnich and J.W. van der Meer. Stability of interlocked pattern placed block revetments. ASCE, Proc. ICCE 2012, Santander, Spain. (4.0 MB)
2011 Van der Meer, J.W. Design aspects of breakwaters and sea defences. Keynote lecture. Proc. 5th SCACR, the International Short Conference on Applied Coastal Research, Aachen, Germany. (2.8 MB); PowerPoint presentation
2011 Van der Meer, J.W., C. Thornton and S. Hughes. Design and operation of the US Wave Overtopping Simulator. ASCE, Proc. Coastal Structures 2011, Yokohama, Japan. (384 kB); PowerPoint presentation
2011 Van der Meer, J.W. The Wave Run-up Simulator. Idea, necessity, theoretical background and design. Report vdm11355. (7.2 MB)
2011 Thornton, C., J.W. van der Meer and S.A. Hughes. Testing levee slope resiliency at the new Colorado State University Wave Overtopping Test Facility. ASCE, Proc. Coastal Structures 2011, Yokohama, Japan. (436 kB)
2011 Le Hai Trung, H. J. Verhagen and J.W. van der Meer. Wave overtopping resistance of grassed slopes in Viet Nam. ASCE, Proc. Coastal Structures 2011, Yokohama, Japan. (490 kB)
2011 Steendam, G.J., P. Peeters., J.W. van der Meer, K. Van Doorslaer, and K. Trouw. Destructive wave overtopping tests on Flemish dikes. ASCE, Proc. Coastal Structures 2011, Yokohama, Japan. (972 kB); PowerPoint presentation
2011 Le, H.T., H.J. Verhagen and J.W. van der Meer. Wave overtopping resistance of grassed slopes in Viet Nam. Proc. 5th International Short Conference on Applied Coastal Research, Aachen, Germany. (751 kB)
2011 Gier, F., J. Mönnich, H. Schüttrumpf and J. W. van der Meer. Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Stabilität von verzahnten Setz-steindeckwerken. Proc. 41. IWASA, Internationales Wasserbau-Symposium, Aachen, Germany. (1.2 MB)
2010 Van der Meer, J.W., B. Hardeman, G.J. Steendam, H. Schttrumpf and H. Verheij. Flow depths and velocities at crest and inner slope of a dike, in theory and with theWave Overtopping Simulator. ASCE, Proc. ICCE 2010, Shanghai. (3.5 MB); PowerPoint presentation
2010 Steendam, G.J., J.W. van der Meer, B. Hardeman and A. van Hoven. Destructive wave overtopping tests on grass covered landward slopes of dikes and transitions to berms. ASCE, Proc. ICCE 2010, Shanghai. (1.4 MB)
2010 Le Hai Trung, J.W. van der Meer, G.J. Schiereck, Vu Minh Cath and G. van der Meer. Wave Overtopping Simulator Tests in Vietnam. ASCE, Proc. ICCE 2010, Shanghai. (2.3 MB)
2010 Van Hoven, A., B. Hardeman, J.W. van der Meer and G.J. Steendam. Sliding stability of landward slope clay cover layers of sea dikes subject to wave overtopping. ASCE, Proc. ICCE 2010, Shanghai. (332 kb)
2009 Van der Meer, J.W., R. Schrijver, B. Hardeman, A. van Hoven, H. Verheij and G.J. Steendam. Guidance on erosion resistance of inner slopes of dikes from three years of testing with the Wave Overtopping Simulator. Proc. ICE, Coasts, Marine Structures and Breakwaters 2009, Edinburgh, UK. (1.2 Mb); PowerPoint presentation
2008 Steendam, G.J., W. de Vries, J.W. van der Meer, A. van Hoven, G. de Raat and J.Y. Frissel. Influence of management and maintenance on erosive impact of wave overtopping on grass covered slopes of dikes; Tests. Proc. FloodRisk, Oxford, UK. Flood Risk Management: Research and Practice - Samuels et al. (eds.) ISBN 978-0-415-48507-4; pp 523-533. (324 kb)
2008 Hoffmans, G., G.J. Akkerman, H. Verheij, A. van Hoven and J.W. van der Meer. The erodibility of grassed inner dike slopes against wave overtopping. ASCE, Proc. ICCE 2008, Hamburg. pp.3224-3236 (340 kb)
2008 Van der Meer, J.W., G.J. Steendam, G. de Raat and P. Bernardini. Further developments on the wave overtopping simulator. ASCE, Proc. ICCE 2008, Hamburg. pp. 2957-2969 (328 kb); PowerPoint presentation (8.7 MB)
2008 Wolters, G., J.W.H. Nieuwenhuis, J.W. van der Meer and M. Klein Breteler. Large scale tests of clay erosion at the Wieringermeer dike (IJsselmeer). ASCE, Proc. ICCE 2008, Hamburg. pp.3263-3275 (5.1 Mb)
2007 Van der Meer, J.W., P. Bernardini, G.J. Steendam, G.J. Akkerman and G.J.C.M. Hoffmans. The wave overtopping simulator in action. Proc. Coastal Structures, Venice, Italy. (315 kB); PowerPoint presentation
2007 Akkerman, G.J., P. Bernardini, J.W. van der Meer, H. Verheij and A. van Hoven. Field tests on sea defences subject to wave overtopping. Proc. Coastal Structures, Venice, Italy. (558 kB)
2006 Van der Meer, P. Bernardini, J.W., W. Snijders and H.J. Regeling. The wave overtopping simulator. ASCE, ICCE 2006, San Diego (287 kB); PowerPoint presentation (7.4 MB)

3.b. Rock slopes

2024 Van der Meer, J.W., T. Lykke Andersen and M.R. Eldrup. Rock armour slope stability under wave attack in shallow water. JCHS, Vol. 4, 2024, paper 35. DOI: (1.9 MB)
2022 Van der Meer, J.W., T. Lykke Andersen and M. Røge Eldrup The Van der Meer formula for rock slope stability at shallow water. ASCE, Extended abstract ICCE 2022, Sydney: (302 kB). PowerPoint presentation (266 kB)
2021 Van der Meer, J.W. Rock armour slope stability under wave attack; the Van der Meer formula revisited. JCHS, Vol. 1, 2021, 8. DOI: (708 kB)
2017 Van der Meer, J.W., M.R.A. van Gent, G. Wolters and D. Heineke. New design guidance for underlayers and filter layers of rock armour under wave attack. Proc. ICE Coasts, Marine Structures and Breakwaters, Liverpool, UK. (454 kB); PowerPoint presentation (4.2 MB)
2017 Van der Plas, T., J.W. van der Meer, E. Ripoll Dominguez and E. Bijl. Stability of very wide greaded material designed as breakwater core, under wave attack. Proc. ICE Coasts, Marine Structures and Breakwaters, Liverpool, UK. (956 kB)
2012 Kik, R., J.P. van den Bos, J. Maertens, H.J. Verhagen and J.W. van der Meer. Notional permeability. ASCE, Proc. ICCE 2012, Santander, Spain. (399 kB)
2006 Nurmohamed, S., G.J. Steendam and J.W. van der Meer. Weight and stability assessment of single layers of orderly placed or pitched natural rock. ASCE, ICCE 2006, San Diego. (177 kB); PowerPoint presentation (6.1 MB)
1998 Van der Meer, J.W. Geometrical design of coastal structures. Chapter 9 in: "Seawalls, dikes and revetments". Edited by K.W. Pilarczyk. Balkema, Rotterdam. (167 kB)
1998 Van der Meer, J.W. Applications and stability criteria for rock and artificial units. Chapter 11 in: "Seawalls, dikes and revetments". Edited by K.W. Pilarczyk. Balkema, Rotterdam. (167 kB)
1995 Van der Meer, J.W. Conceptual design of rubble mound breakwaters. World Scientific. In: Advances in Coastal and Ocean Engineering, Volume 1. Ed. P.L.F. Liu, pp. 221-315. (3.8 MB)
1988 Van der Meer, J.W. Rock slopes and gravel beaches under wave attack. Doctoral thesis, Delft University of Technology. Also Delft Hydraulics Publication no. 396. (6.2 MB)
1988 Van der Meer, J.W. Deterministic and probabilistic design of breakwater armour layers. Proc. ASCE, Journal of WPC and OE, Vol. 114, No. 1. (592 kB)
1987 Van der Meer, J.W. Stability of breakwater armour layers - Design formulae. Journal of Coastal Engineering, 11, pp. 219-239. (1.1 MB)

3.c. Breakwater armour

2017 Salauddin, M., A. Broere, J.W. van der Meer, H.J. Verhagen and E. Bijl. First tests on the symmetrical breakwater armor unit crablock. Coastal Engineering Journal, Vol. 59, No. 4 (2017) 1750020. DOI: 10.1142/S0578563417500206. (967 kB)
2017 Bijl, E., J.W. van der Meer, F. Bonfantini and S. te Slaa. Investigation and simulation of failure mechanism of a port basin revetment, generation of remediation design and reconstruction works.. Proc. ICE Coasts, Marine Structures and Breakwaters, Liverpool. (4 MB)
2015 Salauddin, M., A. Broere, J.W. van der Meer, H.J. Verhagen and E. Bijl. New symmetrical unit for breakwater armour: first tests. ASCE, Proc. Coastal Structures, Boston. (524 kB); PowerPoint presentation
2000 Burcharth, H.F., d’Angremond, K., Van der Meer, J.W. and Liu, Z. Empirical formula for breakage of Dolosse and Tetrapods. Journal of Coastal Engineering 40 (2000) 183-206 (399 kB)
1999 Van der Meer, J.W. Design of concrete armour layers. Proc. Coastal Structures '99, Santander, Spain. Losada (ed.), Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 213-221. (93 kB); PowerPoint presentation (1.5 MB)
1994 d'Angremond, K., Van der Meer, J.W. and Van Nes, C.P. Stresses in tetrapod armour units induced by wave actions. ASCE, proc. 24th ICCE, Kobe, Japan, pp. 1713-1726. (560 kB)
1991 Van der Meer, J.W. and Heydra, G. Rocking armour units: number, location and impact velocity. Journal of Coastal Engineering, special issue "Breakwaters", 15 (1991) 3-19, Elsevier. Also Delft Hydraulics Publication Number 435. (886 kB)
1988 Van der Meer, J.W. Stability of Cubes, Tetrapods and Accropode. Design of Breakwaters, Thomas Telford. Proc. Breakwaters '88 Conference, Eastbourne. (402 kB)

3.d. Berm breakwaters

2017 Sigurdarson, S. and J.W. van der Meer. Armourstone for berm breakwaters. Proc. ICE Coasts, Marine Structures and Breakwaters, Liverpool, UK. (2.1 MB)
2016 Van der Meer, J.W and S. Sigurdarson. Design and construction of berm breakwaters. World Scientific. Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering, Volume 40. ISBN 978-981-4749-60-2. Since November 2019 free for download. (29 MB)
2016 S. Sigurdarson and J.W. van der Meer. Designing berm breakwaters for different wave heights and different quarry yield. ASCE, Proc. ICCE 2016, Antalya, Turkey. (1246 kB); PowerPoint presentation (7.2 MB)
2016 Van der Meer, J.W. and S. Sigurdarson. Berm breakwaters: designing for wave heights from 3 m to 7 m. Proc. PIANC COPEDEC. (455 kB); PowerPoint presentation (2.3 MB)
2016 Van der Meer, J.W. and S. Sigurdarson. Design of berm breakwaters. Chapter in Book: Handbook of Coastal and Ocean Engineering, 2nd Edition, Ed. Y.C. Kim. World Scientific. (405 kB)
2015 Sigurdarson, S. and J.W. van der Meer. Design and construction aspects of berm breakwaters. ASCE, Proc. Coastal Structures, Boston. (466 kB); PowerPoint presentation (10.5 MB)
2014 Van der Meer, J.W. and S. Sigurdarson. Geometrical design of berm breakwaters. ASCE, proc. ICCE 2014, Seoul, South Korea. (1.3 MB); PowerPoint presentation (922 kB)
2014 Sigurdarson, S., J.W. van der Meer, E. Bijl, Yang Sihan, Tang Qiaoliang, Zhang Xiaoqiang, James KS Goh and D. Heijboer. Icelandic-type berm breakwater for the Hambantota artificial island revetment, application of geometrical design rules. ASCE, proc. ICCE 2014, Seoul, South Korea. (1.3 MB); PowerPoint presentation
2014 Thomsen, J.B., M.S. Røge, N.F. Christensen, T. Lykke Andersen and J.W. van der Meer. Stability of hardly reshaping berm breakwaters exposed to long waves. ASCE, proc. ICCE 2014, Seoul, South Korea. (1.5 MB)
2013 Sigurdarson, S. and J. W. van der Meer. Design of berm breakwaters, recession, overtopping and reflection. Proc. ICE, Coasts, Marine Structures and Breakwaters 2013, Edinburgh, UK. (482 kB); PowerPoint presentation (1.6 MB)
2012 Sigurdarson, S. and J. W. van der Meer. Wave overtopping at berm breakwaters in line with EurOtop. ASCE, Proc. ICCE 2012, Santander, Spain. (689 kB); PowerPoint presentation (2.8 MB)
2012 T. Lykke Andersen, J.W. van der Meer, H.F. Burcharth and S. Sigurdarson. Stability of hardly reshaping berm breakwaters. ASCE, Proc. ICCE 2012, Santander, Spain. (990 kB)
2011 Sigurdarson, S. and J.W. van der Meer. Front slope stability of the Icelandic-type berm breakwater. ASCE, Proc. Coastal Structures 2011, Yokohama, Japan. (256 kB); PowerPoint presentation (2.7 MB)
2008 Sigurdarson, S, S. Gretarsson and J.W. van der Meer. The Icelandic-Type Berm Breakwater - Breaking the 8.0 m Significant Wave Height Limit. Proc. PIANC AGA, Beijing, China. (256 kB); PowerPoint presentation (2.0 MB)
2008 Sigurdarson, S. Gretarson and J.W. van der Meer. The Icelandic-type berm breakwater for large design wave heights. Proc. COPEDEC VII, Dubai, UAE. (300 kB); PowerPoint presentation (2.4 MB)
2008 Sigurdarson, S., J.W. van der Meer, A. Torum and R. Tomasicchio. Berm recession of the Icelandic-type berm breakwater. ASCE, Proc. ICCE 2008, Hamburg. pp. 3311-3323 (460 kB); PowerPoint presentation (3.5 MB)
2007 Sigurdarson, S., J.W. van der Meer, H.F. Burcharth and J. Dalsgaard Sørensen. Optimum safety levels and design rules for the Icelandic type berm breakwater. Coastal Structures, Venice, Italy (660 kB); PowerPoint presentation (1.2 MB)
1992 Van der Meer, J.W. Stability of the seaward slope of berm breakwaters. Journal of Coastal Engineering, 16 (1992), pp. 205-234. Elsevier, Amsterdam. (1.0 MB)
1992 Van der Meer, J.W. and Veldman, J.J. Singular points at berm breakwaters: scale effects, rear, roundhead and longshore transport. Journal of Coastal Engineering, 17 (1992), pp. 153-171, Elsevier, Amsterdam. (706 kB)
1987 Van der Meer, J.W. Application of computational model on berm breakwater design. Proc. "Berm breakwaters", ASCE, Seminar on Unconventional Rubble Mound breakwaters, Ottawa. (457 kB)

3.e. Low-crested structures

1996 Van der Meer, J.W., Tutuarima, W.H. and Burger, G. Influence of rock shape and grading on stability of low-crested structures. ASCE, proc. 25th ICCE, Orlando, USA. pp. 1957-1970. (509 kB)
1994 Van der Meer, J.W. and Daemen, I.F.R. Stability and wave transmission at low crested rubble mound structures. ASCE, J. of WPC & OE, New York, Vol. 120, Jan/Feb. 1994, Paper No. 3527, pp. 1-19. (680 kB)
1990 Van der Meer, J.W. and Pilarczyk, K.W. Stability of low-crested and reef breakwaters. Proc. 22th. ICCE, Delft. (441 kB)

3.f. Vertical structures

2015 Van Doorslaer, K., A. Romano, G. Bellotti, C. Altomare, I. Cáceres, J. De Rouck, L. Franco and J.W. van der Meer. Force measurements on storm walls due to overtopping waves: a middle-scale model experiment. ASCE, Proc. Coastal Structures, Boston. (628 kB)
2012 Van Doorslaer, K., J. De Rouck, K. Trouw, J.W. van der Meer and S. Schimmels. Wave forces on storm walls, small and large scale experiments. COPEDEC 2012, Chennai, India. (1.7 MB)
1994 Van der Meer, J.W., d'Angremond, K. and Juhl, J. Probabilistic calculations of wave forces on vertical structures. ASCE, proc. 24th ICCE, Kobe, Japan, pp. 1754-1767. (632 kB)
1984 Van der Meer, J.W. and Benassai, E. Wave forces and impacts on a circular and square caisson.ASCE, Proc. 19th ICCE, Houston. (464 kB)

3.g. Toe structures

1995 Van der Meer, J.W., d'Angremond, K. and Gerding, E. Toe structure stability of rubble mound breakwaters. ICE, proc. Coastal Structures and Breakwaters '95, London. (624 kB)

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