Van der Meer Consulting B.V.


Research and short courses - Short courses

Dr Van der Meer has been lecturer for many years at IHE, Delft on breakwater design and was full professor at IHE Delft (0.2 fte) from January 2014 till June 2021. You can follow his lectures and exercise on breakwater design as a two weeks short course in March at IHE Delft. Instead of two weeks the course has now been compacted to a full 4 days in house course for (university) students and to an even more dedicated course for professionals at consulting companies. The first course has been given at the Yildiz Technical University, Ankara, Turkey and the second course for IMDC, Antwerp, Belgium and at Santiago, Chile. The course in Chile was attended by 60 professionals and 10 students. The course was given by simultaneous translation from English to Spanish and vice versa. This means that actually the course can be given in any language. Courses can be given at any location you would like and can be dedicated to your requirements. The courses can be given in combination with or under the name of IHE Delft. The set-up of the course can be as follows:

Full 4 day course for students with more exercise

Day 1, morning Lecture 1 Introduction, functions, requirements, types of breakwaters, cross-section, general pictures
  Lecture 2 Boundary conditions, waves, definitions, shallow water, daily and extreme wave climate, introduction to hydraulic response
  Lecture 3 Wave run-up, overtopping, transmission, reflection
Day 1, afternoon Exercise Introduction to Exercise Breakwater Design
Determination of design wave climate
Day 2, morning Lecture 4 Rock armour stability
  Lecture 5 Video: Rock Slopes; stability concrete armour
  Lecture 6 Low-crested and berm breakwaters
Day 2, afternoon Exercise Design cross-section of breakwater
Day 3 Exercise Exercise on design of cross-section, without guidance
Day 4, morning Lecture 7 Toe, head, life time, finalizing lectures
  Lecture 8 Video: Construction of breakwaters
Finalise exercise
Day 4, afternoon Exercise Presentation of cross-section of breakwater; discussion

Dedicated course

Day 1 Introduction, functions, requirements, types of breakwaters, cross-section, general pictures, including physical model research;
Boundary conditions, waves, definitions, shallow water, daily and extreme wave climate, introduction to hydraulic response;
Wave run-up, transmission, reflection;
Short exercise on design wave climate.
Day 2 Wave overtopping (including crest walls)
Wave Overtopping Simulator;
Rock armour stability and video: Rock Slopes;
Short exercise on determining the crest height (run-up/overtopping/transmission).
Day 3 Concrete armour units;
Low-crested structures
Berm breakwaters;
Short exercise on determining armour weights.
Day 4 Construction of caissons by dry dock;
Under layers/filters, rear side stability, toe, head;
Practical aspects; life time, finalizing;
Final exercise, design of a cross-section of a breakwater.

You can email Van der Meer at for details, possibilities, and terms and conditions.